Delegate Report – January 18th to January 25th

This week has been an interesting week. It started by doing market research with the “Audience Insights” of Facebook, in an effort of deepening my understanding of the market of cryptocurrencies. You can see those insights in my previous post.

I ran a test ad for the BitUSD Mobile Wallet that will be most likely be release in February.

bitusd advertisingThe targeting for this ad was anyone in Indonesia, Turkey, Argentina, United States and India who liked anything that is related to Bitcoin. It was my first time targeting demographic outside the US. What surprised me wasn’t the conversion rates or the traffic to the BitUSD funnel (Btw, this doesn’t show all visitors and conversions because I deleted all the other pages that didn’t convert as well as the one below.)

screenshot-my leadpages net 2015-01-25 09-07-09

What REALLY surprised me was how much they engage with our page:(Click to enlarge)

15-01-25As you can see, this ad alone added 831 fans to our page in short order. That is usually not enough to impress me. Because it is easy to get a lot of cheap fans who actually don’t engage with your page in countries outside the US. But this time it’s different…they actually like our posts and visit our links!

I try to post twice a day on the page. Whatever news I can get or bytemaster blog posts. We are getting right now between 50 and 100 likes per post…which has great SEO value in itself.

We can also see our competitors and how they are doing on Facebook. We are on track to totally dominate that corner of the internet.

Non Direct Monetary Value of Fans

I proud myself at being good at driving traffic, capturing leads and converting sales through advertising. But I am also deep into Facebook and I have to be focusing on SEO at my job.

Having a lot of Fans that engage has many side benefits.

  1. Social Proof – A Page with a lot of fans shows that we are serious players to prospects and investors.
  2. SEO – If we get a lot of Likes, Comments and Shares on our content, it will help our rankings.
  3. Cheaper Traffic Down the Road – Free traffic to blogposts and it is always less expensive to advertise to fans than non-fans

Stepping into their mind

I know what a lot of people are saying:

Why would you advertise in places like Indonesia, Turkey and India? There is no infrastructure there.

It is a valid argument. We are looking for people who can have access to exchanges to buy bitusd or BTS. At the same time, I can’t resist following the clues and the trends.

In order to get at the bottom of this, I introduce something that can help us understand why they are so interested in the first place: A Survey.

Who knows? There might be a wave 2 of adoption coming from those area, it would be stupid to ignore them.

Here are the early results of our survey:

Question 1: Why are you interested in crypto currencies?

– For their capacity to change our money perception

– Its cool

– Anonymity

– I feel that crypto is better than other money

– Because as far as I can tell – It’s the most efficient way to move (and store) value. Period.

– Cheaper and faster way to send payment. Security and transparency on the network.

– Freedom from centralized institution. And it’s fun!

– For everything it stands for, freedom from control, fair trade, and honesty, not controlled by the corrupt Banksters

– Investment

– Investment and technology

– Speculative Investment

– freedom

– I believe that the crypto currency will be a future currency instead of fiat money

– Freedom, security

– same reason bitshares is

– Investment potential, very interesting new technology, I want to be on the forefront, anti-gov control

– Fast, safe, anonymous money transfer

– because 1bts=500usd so easy!

– I’m interested in crypto as a way out of the current corrupt financial system. Crypto can bring down entire power structures all across the globe, and I’m all for that.

– The security. The ability to transact internationally with low fees.

Question 2: What is the one thing you most want to accomplish with a BitUSD wallet?

repay debt with friends

1/25/2015 8:22 AM

Border less money transfers

1/24/2015 5:53 PM


1/22/2015 5:49 PM

People can send money using email address

1/22/2015 5:17 PM

Ease of use. Personally, I would like the ability to help someone else download and be able to send them some BitUSD within a minute.

1/22/2015 11:39 AM

Protection from theft and privacy.

1/22/2015 11:00 AM

Transfer money with low fees.

1/22/2015 11:00 AM

to be able to easily store my Bitshares, angel shares and BTC on and especially off line, to easily send and receive funds.

1/22/2015 8:52 AM

Help expand the prevalence of alternative currencies

1/22/2015 7:01 AM

quick transfer of money

1/22/2015 5:40 AM

On and Off Ramps to fiat currency and merchant intergration

1/22/2015 5:05 AM

give friends some usd as a gift

1/22/2015 3:51 AM


1/22/2015 12:42 AM

Ease of use when paying. Ease of use for new people to sign up.

1/21/2015 11:51 PM


1/21/2015 11:18 PM

Online purchases. Cash works just fine in the real world. When traveling this would be an amazing, cheaper, way to make purchases.

1/21/2015 11:17 PM

Buying product easily

1/21/2015 10:56 PM

buy anything

1/21/2015 10:52 PM

It would be cool if it acted like an app – where I could go in and out of BTS and BitUSD, so I can always be maximizing my profit based on market changes.

1/21/2015 7:21 PM

Being able to transact in multiple currencies, ie: USD, CAD, EUR… etc etc..

1/20/2015 9:53 PM

Ease of handling funds

1/20/2015 9:59 AM

Showing it off (educating people).

1/20/2015 3:32 AM


1/20/2015 2:56 AM

quick and easy mobile payment

1/20/2015 2:15 AM


1/20/2015 12:36 AM

payment solution on the fly! easy aesy easy …

1/19/2015 11:57 PM

not sure

1/19/2015 11:21 PM

Demonstrate it to my friends

1/19/2015 9:36 PM

Earn interest.

1/19/2015 9:11 PM

Use it at atm’s around the world to withdraw local currency.

1/19/2015 7:56 PM

send and receive bitusd

1/19/2015 7:26 PM

Security is the most important for me.

1/19/2015 7:14 PM

Be able to easily trade in and out of bitusd.

1/19/2015 6:50 PM

Be able to do point-of-sale transactions

1/19/2015 6:37 PM

Hold my funds securely.

1/19/2015 6:35 PM
Question 3:
screenshot-www surveymonkey com 2015-01-25 09-40-06
2015-01-25_0945One question that I am going to add next week in the survey upgrade will be “Can you purchase or trade cryptocurrencies in your country?“. That will help us find out more about the situation our audience is in.
It is still early to make conclusion about the survey since we only had 35 respondent so far.

100% Delegate Position and Funds Allocation

Thank you to everyone who voted for me.

I recently realized that some people are uneasy having too many 100% delegate position and I want to make sure that you feel comfortable with the work that I am doing.

I didn’t receive any money from my delegate position yet but I will start getting funds on the 1rst of February. Like I said in my proposal, I will spend all of it towards marketing minus what my delegate buddy(toast) needs for maintenance. Here is a breakdown of how I want to allocate those funds in February.

februaryPlease leave your comments below, I always appreciate your feedback.

Delegate Announcement

10459068_521192954694113_3127774129517174442_oJanuary 5th 2014
Ucluelet, BC
Renaud Gagne (aka RGCrypto)

Marketing Philosophy:

Advertising should be like a vending machine. You should be able to put money in at the top to get visitors to your site…and PROSPECTS should come out the bottom.


  • To dominate the online advertising space in the crypto-currency, investing & finance niches
  • Have a sustainable cost per new user. *
  • Educate and Motivate users to participate in the BitShares community


Hi, my name is Renaud Gagne. I am a direct-response marketer and a huge fan of BitShares. I’m 29, married and live in a small fishing town on the west coast of Vancouver Island, British-Columbia, Canada. I truly believe that BitShares is the best hope to secure life, liberty and property right now and into the future.

My proposal is simple. I want to run a delegate to create funnels that will constantly test new copy and niches to see which one converts best into downloads.

The Process (3 C’s of Marketing)
Create Traffic – Capture Leads – Convert Sales

I like to run a lot of small test ads ($5 a day each) until I find winners that give me good cost per download. Then…I scale up!

I believe that through this scientific approach of advertising we can dramatically increase the traffic to and whatisbitusd.

I promise that 100% of the delegate money will be used to buy media or to pay for tools to make media work better. (email software, capture page builders, etc.) I repeat, I am going to be working for you for free.

What’s in it for me? Well, I get to use my skills in my favorite ways as a hobby after work. I love watching my analytics grow and get better. (Marketing for the hospitality industry is too slow and bureaucratic)

Also, I am want to transition into the crypto space and to me it seems like a perfect fit.

When the budget gets big enough that I have to quit my job at the marketing firm, I will ask permission to the community to do so in a formal matter, until then it will be me split-testing like a madman every night.

Every first of the month, you will be able to see my marketing report on this blog. Make sure to subscribe to the RSS Feed so that you don’t miss any of my reports.

Traffic Domination Roadmap

  1. Google Search Network
  2. Banners Ads on all the major bitcoin news related sites
  3. Facebook & Twitter

Not only should the cost per acquisition be predictable, the money spent on advertising has to be used to create the most important marketing asset on the World Wide Web: an email list.

Believe it or not, email is still the King of online media. Constant communication is key to building a community.

I will be making sure that we capture as many e-mail addresses as possible so we  can guide people through the maze of BitShare information and get them to understand and use BitAssets in the shortest amount of time possible.

I want to thank everyone of the Community Forum and Nullstreet to do their best to make Bitshares, in 2015, a wild success.

Short Term Projects

Bitshares 101 Funnels:

Click Here to Experience the Funnel (visit multiple time and delete your cookies to see split testing)


This is Amazing work from NullStreet. I will work at bringing massive traffic to this page and to improve conversions as we split test. Visit the


Every month, along with my analytics you will get a copy of my bills to prove that I have use the money only to buy traffic and means to increase conversions (design, email software, etc.)

Thank you for your vote!